"Let all your things be done in Love." (1 Corinthians 16:14)
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Current: Danbury, CT, United States
Welcome! A few years ago, I discovered an application that artists employ in their works to bring cultural awareness to their audiences. Having discerned this semiotic theory that applies to literature, music, art, film, and the media, I have devoted the blog,Theory of Iconic Realism to explore this theory. The link to the publisher of my book is below. If you or your university would like a copy of this book for your library or if you would like to review it for a scholarly journal, please contact the Edwin Mellen Press at the link listed below. Looking forward to hearing from you!


I will present or have presented research on Sydney Owenson (Lady Morgan) or my semiotic theory of iconic realism at the following location(s):

2023-2025: I will be researching and writing my third book on iconic realism.

April 2022: American Conference for Irish Studies, virtual event: (This paper did not discuss Sydney Owenson.) "It’s in the Air: James Joyce’s Demonstration of Cognitive Dissonance through Iconic Realism in His Novel, Ulysses"

October, 2021: Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT: "Sydney Owenson’s use of sociolinguistics and iconic realism to defend marginalized communities in 19th century Ireland"

March, 2021: Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory, North Carolina: "Sydney Owenson (Lady Morgan): A Nineteenth Century Advocate for Positive Change through Creative Vision"

October, 2019: Elms College, Chicopee, Massachusetts: "A Declaration of Independence: Dissolving Sociolinguistic Borders in the Literature of Sydney Owenson (Lady Morgan)"

27 February, 2025

"Clair de Lune" by Claude Debussy, A Deleted Segment of Walt Disney's 1940 film, "Fantasia"

Click below to view the film clip: 

I came upon this beautiful interpretation of "Clair de Lune" by Claude Debussy, deleted from the final version of the Disney classic film, Fantasia. A visual and aural illustration of life's circularity, this film depicts innovation in the art of filmmaking for the time in which the artists and musicians collaborated to create this film. The love expressed in this one scene makes my heart sing. Moreover, I really love the blue tones in the scene above, for they remind me of the very early morning, right before sunrise, when the flora and fauna all contain shades of blue.  

Below is the opening recitative from my operetta, Luminescence, an interpretation of the 13th century poem, Roman de la Rose. It also focuses on the moon as it relinquishes its light to the sun:

The moon, known as Lunula, emits a soft, silver glow onto the indigo and deep green foliage where life renews in the created shadows of the garden’s crevices. Then, she silently dismisses darkness from the fertile land. As daybreak slowly creates an elusive blush, Lunula moves aside to allow her eminence, the sun, its splendid glow in the dawning light. Knowing that her radiance is dependent on the reflection of the sun, Lunula illuminates this shaded, overgrown venue with dignity and grace, providing inspiration for the precious life over which her luminescence humbly drifts. 

© Jeanne I. Lakatos 

26 February, 2025

The Shy One

The poem below deals with a childhood hurdle that eventually led me to grow in confidence: the family tag of 'the shy one.' 

a photo of pensive me, 2009

The Shy One

“Jeanne is the shy one,”
explained Mom 
when she introduced 
my siblings and me
to someone new
we happened to meet.
My tag was sewn,
identified and neat.

But I really wasn’t terribly shy
as indicated by Mother.
I simply loved to scrutinize
and exercise prudence
in dealing with others.

A curse back then.
But now I understand;
my pensive ‘flaws’
were precious gifts
of a Higher command.

Indeed, this shy one
has ardently grown,
for my interactions
delicately honed,
pensive and discreet,
have led me to complete
some pretty marvelous feats.

Thank you, Lord. 
Thanks, Mom and Dad. RIP

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

25 February, 2025


My focus here is an individual, trying to catch the proverbial 'brass ring on the carousel of life', feeling the dizziness and fatigue of the ride (or running in circles...multiple meanings there, too), parched for answers and passionate with hope.


Tears amid the cheers
reaching for the brass, 
thirsting for the flow
only to turn away parched,
tongue swelling in dry air 
with the fever of hope. 

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

To hear me recite this verse, please click HERE.

24 February, 2025

Bluebird Dream

A few years ago, TFE's Poetry Bus  had Kate the Emerging Writer as its driver. She provided us with three excellent prompts, and I chose to apply my own version of l'esprit d'escalier for Prompt III and a little of Prompt II, too, so I guess this was a combo plate. For those unfamiliar with bluebirds, they are the most beautiful little birds on the planet. Below, I've included a photo of one that I took from my living room window... for your viewing pleasure.

Bluebird perched on a maple tree branch

Bluebird Dream

Letting the pen fall,
she sighed into a dream.
There, her responses
were perfectly timed
and no one left the room

She was strong, efficient.
Perseverance was her game.
Not one soul
would even consider
challenging her decisions.
They wouldn’t dare.

A bluebird awakened her.
So small, beautiful
iridescent blue
and sweetly chirping.
Suddenly, it darted past her
and again in the other direction.

Soon, she saw a pair of wings
much larger, bolder.
That bird flew high and away.
The bluebird perched
on a limb of the maple tree,
panting, confident, dreaming.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

(To hear my reading of this poem on Pod-omatic, click HERE.)

23 February, 2025

Arachnid's Aim

 Once, I observed a lovely spider, busily spinning her web, and I proceeded to write the poem below. 

A spider's web suspended from my deck

Arachnid's Aim

One by One by One by One by One by One by One by One,

she extends her reach into the world, 

Glad that she yet retains eight strong, healthy appendages. 

Her sisters' are damaged, maimed, broken, or lost, 

but hers are vibrant, able to take her

to any destination she beholds as sacred. 

Now, she extends her reach into the world.

Carefully, gracefully, she moves along this space,

arranging each extension in its proper place, 

allowing a Hopeful Touch to capture the attention

of one who will see her radiance

and share her iridescence with lasting, hopeful bliss.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

You can hear me recite this verse by clicking the link HERE.

22 February, 2025

Upon listening to "Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis" by Ralph Vaughn-Williams


I took this photo of the moon in a cloudy sky, framed by the shadows of maple trees. 
The clouds seemed to form a landscape of their own. 

Click HERE to listen to the lovely, musical piece, "Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis," performed in the Gloucester Cathedral, where Ralph Vaughn-Williams first performed it in 1910. 

I wrote the verse below upon listening to the above piece,
 composed by Ralph Vaughan-Williams.


Yearning for serenity,
an unsettled mind
drifts gracefully, 
flowing in paralysis,
a paradox offering
of a spiritual triad:
sweet malady
sweeter melody
sweetest memory.

A core surge 
in Divine rhythm.
from arched bones,
guarding this heart
in solemn surrender 
to stillness,
fill the repose  
with sweet assurance.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

(To hear my reading of this poem, click HERE.)

21 February, 2025

My Hands, a poem

 "And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it." (Psalm 90:17)

Below is a poem with the theme of my use of hands, 
which some may think is archaic in this current era of technology:

Harp and me, one afternoon

My Hands

weathered pages of a centuries old book,
my fingers touch a piece of history,
for this page was once turned by the fingertips
of a lady sitting by candlelight on a blue velvet chair,
her linen dress, flowing around covered ankles.
the strings of a vibrating harp, melodic echoes, soothe
the mind of my precious dog who lives to protect me
love me, comfort me. It's the least I can do for her.
dough that clings to each finger until I apply 
one more dash of flour to create 
the soft ball that will miraculously rise
to form into the sweet, aromatic sustenance of life: 
bread, feeding others with joy.
a needle with just the right length and color 
of waxed cotton,
slowly I turn remnant pieces of cloth
into a quilted memory to comfort 
through the warmth of artistry and pragmatism.
into rich, brown soil, I plant a seed
water, nurture, protect until one day it grows
into a savory food, the source of a satisfied smile.
an extended hand, I feel the presence
of tender strength, our fingertips, touching,
 brushing the tear from a dear one's eye
fond memory of the gentleness.
palm against palm, I sing a song of praise.
Humbly, I give thanks to Him,
His Love is undying, strengthening, 
guiding each step to fulfillment of 
His Purpose for me:
from heart to hand.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

(To hear my reading of this poem on Pod-omatic, click HERE.)

20 February, 2025

Cognitive Revolutions: Creative Revelations

Bright sunshine on a frozen lake, Danbury, CT

A Gospel Reading at church was once the story of Jesus, meeting His disciples on the Road to Emmaus: Luke 24:13-35. It made me think...

We learn to recognize aspects of our lives that create impressions, unaware of the cognitive variations that our minds and bodies interpret and reinterpret. Yet, we continue to gracefully move through our personal universes. How often have we affected others? How often have others affected us?

Revolution of thought is inclusive of awareness within the mind and body with their inter/intra-connections. Very simply, as we perceive and cognitively organize our environment, we slowly create the opus that is only ours to share. To consider this concept in a positive way, that opus can move humanity to a higher consciousness.

Just think! If individuals elevated their thinking to those matters that pertain only to the goodness and creative genius that dwells within, how generous we could be with each other! How marvelous this Earthly experience could be!

As we concentrate intently on our thoughts and their influences, we affect our reality, and thus, we open the possibilities of individual, creative connections... in God's time.

Dr. Jeanne

19 February, 2025

The Slug: "Fortune Favors the Brave"

"Fortes fortuna iuvat!" 
(Fortune favors the brave!) 
~ Latin Proverb

Sometimes, with certain 'green-eyed' slugs, we have to take defensive action; other times, it pays simply to observe the power of Light. The DOGE personnel have been accomplishing this well in the past few weeks to the 'slimy, spineless' disappointment of those who received the benefits from false gains.  Thank you, President Trump, Elon Musk, et al.

The Slug
Hypocritical green-eyed slug
compulsively feeds upon
the entrails of authenticity.

Vomiting truth along its way,
its impish, soul-less self
solely thrives on
cunning insults and ineptness.

It binges on fictional fervor
slinking in slimy skin,
 blinded by its own limitations.

It lurks about for its next victim
to entice with fabricated promises,
while other small, spineless creatures
easily fall prey to its ‘virtue.’


 the Truth that this slug rejects
soon takes on a life of its own,
swirling through the air with sweet fragrance,
fusing with fortitude.

Yet still, slinking along, the slug
slowly attempts to cross my path…
I lift my elegant boot
to squish it! Squish it good!

Ah, but there's no need to squish,
for below me, I witness:
evaporating in the powerful Light,
slimy innards,
from their lack of substance. 

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

To hear me recite this verse, please click HERE. 

18 February, 2025

The Song - An Amhran

Below, I've posted a small poem that I wrote having taken a few Irish Gaeilge classes. I'm still not sure if the grammar is correct, but I think you'll get the idea anyway. I took the photograph just as I was leaving a conference at NUI Galway. I didn't know just how gorgeous the beach was until I was on my way out of town and passed this view heading out on my way to Sligo. 

         I took this photo of Galway Beach, Ireland.

The Song                                                       An Amhran

On the wind, the song sails              Ar na gaoth, an amhran ag sceoladh 
to another who will hear                  do an eile an té cloistrail
the sweet language that blesses.       an teanga binn ag beannú.
Gathering the creed of Love,           Ag bailigh an creid de Ghrá,
the song is forever,                           ta se an amhran go deo, 
sweet and praising.                           milis agus ag moladh.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos                          © Á Siobhán I. Glasaire

17 February, 2025

On a Cashew Nut

Once, the Poetry Bus request for us was to write a poem on something on which we would normally not write... literally.

Well, that particular week, we had been having a100+º heat wave here in Connecticut, and my brain had definitely melted.... So, I took my teeny tiny 'PreciseV5' purple pen and wrote the following haiku on a cashew nut. Graffiti for ants! A fun activity! Here is the photo of my creative endeavor:

Cashew Haiku

On this nut I write
I, this nut, write on
cashew deliberation

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

16 February, 2025



In my childhood, 

I sang a song that went like this: 

🎶 Icy-icy-icicles... 🎶

Now, icicles suspended 

from tree limbs and eaves

make me believe 

that my life is like these 

frozen suspensions, 

for I am a collection of 

life experiences, 

some transient, some suspended, 

some spun from the realms of time

where memories live in my heart, 

converging with the present,

holding onto the belief 

that they have aligned 

with the Truth 

 of Divinity: 


© Jeanne I. Lakatos

To hear me recite this verse, please click HERE.

15 February, 2025

Face of Renaissance


This image of Jesus is in a tree in my front garden.

Face of Renaissance

See the insolence gently float away.

Turn and decide on Godly Good.

Replace worldly ambitions

with the guiding hand of Love.

A world changes to see His face

in all the energy and intricacy 

associated with the simplicity

of renaissance. 

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

14 February, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day! From my operetta, Luminescence: Honeysuckle (Christine de Pizan)

Happy Valentine's Day!
I folded and stitched satin ribbon to create this floral bouquet heart.

Honeysuckle and the Bee 
photo from Google Images

From my operetta, Luminescence, below is the pre- and post- recitatives, accompanying the 'voice' of Christine de Pizan, represented by the flower, Honeysuckle

The lovely essence of Rose’s beauty entices a hungry bee to fly closer. Her petals form a co-mingled scent with those of Honeysuckle, surrounded by Lilies of the Valley and Forget-me-nots. Honeysuckle, through the mind-set of Christine de Pizan, reflects on true respect between men and women as the ultimate example of true love: 

I am the Honeysuckle.

The name given to me is Christine de Pizan. 

I believe that men and women can and should 

live in harmony with each other,

respecting the intellectual 

as well as the physical attraction 

of man to woman and woman to man. 

The bond of the Holy Spirit in one’s life 

holds this attraction together. 

The tradition of reverent love illustrates 

the necessity of the human race 

to display loyalty, wisdom, and understanding 

in all levels of love relationships. 

Through these elements, 

love becomes a reflection of the truest gift, 

given to us by our Divine Father. 

Thus, physical love must accompany 

emotional love and intellectual respect 

to be complete.

Rose understands this need to combine the elements of intellect and desire in pursuing love. She contemplates her own reaction to the bee’s advances and ponders the warmth she feels as this creature hovers ever so intently...

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

13 February, 2025

Mathematical Sets

photo from Google Images

Mathematical Sets
It all figures:
balanced equations
sets of added digits
occasionally subtracted
measured by common factors
multiplied by these too
percentages based on 
the configuration 
of a situated one
in relation 
to the core.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

11 February, 2025

Common Thread, Shared Bread

Photo from DuckDuckGo Images

Common Thread, Shared Bread

Friendship bound by a common thread

nourished with inspirational Bread

of kindness, humor, and stories we share.

How lovely! Someone actually does care! 

These are the blessings we unfold

honoring love as our version of gold,

refraining from giving annoyance reign

for a wintry soul has warmth to gain.

 Lifting hearts with a benevolent thread,

we stitch the tattered as we share the Bread.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

To hear me recite this verse, please click HERE. 

09 February, 2025

Thunder and Lightning, Then the Flood

'Tis the season...

I took this photo of lightning in Danbury, Connecticut.

Thunder and Lightning, Then the Flood

An enlightened moment
of photon intensity
blinds the eye
and elicits the waiting
for thunderous rumble
that rattles a frame;
its invisible command
churns, collides, crashes.
Disrupting yet healing,
emptied tears
cross a parched terrain:

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

To hear me recite this verse, just click HERE.

Finding the Way: A Revolution Within

The view from my desk in Summer and Winter

Finding the Way

As we walk along life's path, 
eventually, we acknowledge
 that creative ground which supports our steps. 
Longing to find the way, 
we clear the path of debris, 
 as we accommodate His Divine footsteps
 that gently lead us forward.
 Fortitude emerges with the recognition
 that we have the power 
 adjust, adapt, attempt, achieve, affect.  
We evolve. 
We make a difference.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

To hear me recite this verse, just click HERE.

08 February, 2025

Far from Death

Years ago, the 'Poetry Bus' challenge asked us to ponder the question of eternity. I had a near death experience many years ago, but the memory of it remains with me as vividly as if it occurred yesterday. Yes, that wondrous light! And from my experience, I know that we are all spirits of light. A truly enlightened life consists of opening one's mind, soul, and perceptions to this concept that time and space interlace in a seamless refraction.

Photo taken by me in Roscommon, Ireland

Far from Death

pervades my senses:
intermittent iridescence

with intensity of adversity
my deepest core
a profusion of circumstance
breath and breadth
into perfect harmony 

divine inspiration, my sphere
should I choose to embrace 

© Jeanne I. Lakatos 

To hear me recite this verse, just click HERE

07 February, 2025


Below, I have written a poem based on a photograph, as an example of Ekphrasis.
My photograph is of the beautiful East Lake in Danbury, Connecticut, at sunset, just before dusk. This lake has a very similar appearance to Walden Pond in Massachusetts. 

East Lake, Danbury, Connecticut.

Indigo pond
a hopeful, graying sky
shades of peach and blue
with soft, fleecy clouds
framing the Peace and Love
that harken my heart 
 of possibilities...

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

06 February, 2025

"Touch the Hem..."

Photo from DuckDuckGo images
"...They... besought Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment: 
and as many as touched were made perfectly whole." (Matthew 14:35-36) kjv

Touch the Hem


she sought the Truth

of whom she was supposed to be. 

She did not have the knowledge, 

so she searched for inspiration 

and found it not, 

for she was lost. 


she touched the hem of His garment. 

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

03 February, 2025

Decades à Rose

Decades à Rose

Quivering hands release
rose petal beads
from the deepest pocket
of an abandoned purse.

She traces the Sign:
forehead, heart,
left shoulder, right shoulder;
then gently touches the Crucifix
to her trembling lips.

Clutching each bead, lips pursed,
she whispers the prayers.
Words trickling off her tongue
mingle with questions:
Why? How? Where? When?

awakens the rose scent
by fingers slipping their way
around the chain to the final bead.
Then the one entitled, 
Prayer after... then Memorare.
She recalls most of that prayer.
"Thank you, Jesus, for listening.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

02 February, 2025



         Level bubble from Duck-Duck-Go images


A bubble floats across warm seas,
or saunters back and forth 
in the boundaries of a level,
in sync with those other bubbles
recently settled.
Through their assembly,
each translucent sphere 
contributes structured eccentricity, 
globular bodies of air 
traveling through a liquid,
transforming chaos 
into serene resolve.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos