“Let the field exult, and all that is in it. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy.” (Psalm 96:12)
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Current: Danbury, CT, United States
Welcome! A few years ago, I discovered an application that artists employ in their works to bring cultural awareness to their audiences. Having discerned this semiotic theory that applies to literature, music, art, film, and the media, I have devoted the blog,Theory of Iconic Realism to explore this theory. The link to the publisher of my book is below. If you or your university would like a copy of this book for your library or if you would like to review it for a scholarly journal, please contact the Edwin Mellen Press at the link listed below. Looking forward to hearing from you!


I will present or have presented research on Sydney Owenson (Lady Morgan) or my semiotic theory of iconic realism at the following location(s):

2023-2025: I will be researching and writing my third book on iconic realism.

April 2022: American Conference for Irish Studies, virtual event: (This paper did not discuss Sydney Owenson.) "It’s in the Air: James Joyce’s Demonstration of Cognitive Dissonance through Iconic Realism in His Novel, Ulysses"

October, 2021: Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT: "Sydney Owenson’s use of sociolinguistics and iconic realism to defend marginalized communities in 19th century Ireland"

March, 2021: Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory, North Carolina: "Sydney Owenson (Lady Morgan): A Nineteenth Century Advocate for Positive Change through Creative Vision"

October, 2019: Elms College, Chicopee, Massachusetts: "A Declaration of Independence: Dissolving Sociolinguistic Borders in the Literature of Sydney Owenson (Lady Morgan)"

14 October, 2024

Upon Viewing the Bog Bodies Exhibit at the National Museum of Ireland

On one of my research trips to Ireland, I visited the National Museum and viewed an exhibit of Bog Bodies. These were individuals who had been discovered buried for centuries within the bogs throughout the country. I was struck by my own emotions as I viewed these remains. At one point, I just wanted to place a warm blanket over their leathered remains and wish them a safe journey to be with our Lord. 

I took this photo of the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin, 
whilst sitting on a bench just outside the National Library.

Upon Viewing the Bog Bodies of Ireland
the exquisitely sculpted rotunda,
behind exhibits of gold and amber adornments,
exposed in tombs of plexiglass,
lay remains of people
who once held hands,
smiled gently to their loved ones,
kissed softly on moonlit nights.

Centuries pass,

and as her silent witness meets theirs,
she senses a tear's warmth
and whispers a prayer
that their spirits are far away
and at peace.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

13 October, 2024

One Autumn Morning

I created the following from today's facebook post because it was such a beautiful autumn day in Connecticut. It's extended a bit from pure inspiration. 

One Autumn Morning

On cool, crisp, autumn mornings, 

such as this, 

isn't it grand to sip a cup of coffee, 

set the world's troubles aside for a moment, 

observe the golden leaves falling 

from generous branches, 

knowing full well that eventually, 

those fallen whispers 

of joy and love

dancing through the air

as if they have one more chance,

one more hope 

to share in life's pleasures,

will be swept up 

and added to the compost

where they will begin life anew,

and the circuitous path begins.

©Jeanne I. Lakatos

12 October, 2024

Upon Reading Philosophy Late at Night

I've been up late at night recently, researching and writing my third book. Below is something to ponder 馃槒: 

Photo taken from my deck one night

Upon Reading Philosophy Late at Night
He galvanizes her
with cerebral massage.
Inhaling - exhaling,
his ancient, whispering breath
intellectually touches,
gently caresses, stirs.
Opening her mind
with vigorous contemplation,
she welcomes his
point of view.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

11 October, 2024

Aurora Borealis

When the local meteorologist suggested that we, in Connecticut, would be able to see the geomagnetic event, an Aurora Borealis, I thought, "Okay, I'll check it out." Well, I looked out my backdoor window, which faces northward, and there it was: a beautiful, pinkish maroon sky amidst the stars. My camera barely captured the view. This was exactly as I saw the sky in Connecticut:

Aurora in Western Connecticut, Oct. 10, 2024

Auroras in Pleasant Valley, New York, Oct. 10, 2024

Aurora Borealis

I search the evening sky to see

the stars staring back at me 

at their usual positions

in the heavenly firmament.

Then, my eyes, are they deceiving me? 

There it is... softest glow of pink and maroon,

enveloping a fluffy mass of light clouds.

It makes me wonder if another's eyes 

are viewing this heavenly sight,

a shared brilliance from stars and aurora.

I thank God for allowing me 

the glorious view of the rosy hue, 

this geomagnetic event:

Aurora Borealis. 


© Jeanne I. Lakatos


10 October, 2024

To Grandma

My Grandmother worked in the auto industry in Detroit, but she also had a special talent for baking Hungarian pastries, cakes, and of course, those great Hungarian dinners. She 'tried' to teach me how to create confectioner flowers, such as those she would make for the many wedding and birthday cakes that she created for people in the Detroit metropolitan area. The key words: she tried. I tried, too. Her patience with me was saintly.  

My Grandma, Anna

To Grandma

I feel your loving presence, 

my beautiful angel,

whenever I touch the petals of a rose, 

for your talented hands taught me

how to form each intricate petal

made from your famous sweet recipe.

No matter how many times I failed,

your tender words of comfort 

soothed my sorrow, my pain,

and through your beautiful eyes, 

I could see that sparkle of life

as you taught me what it was 

to love. 

© Jeanne I. Lakatos

09 October, 2024

Comfort is a Crackling Fire

My Fireplace 

Comfort is a Crackling Fire

Another one of those days!

But now she is home;
it would all be better.
Except it wouldn’t -
cold, ice cold, here, there.

Her thoughts darken:
nothing familiar about
their contrived 'door'
through which she’d never
be granted permission to enter.

So she lay down her head
weary of the insanity
surrounded by frigid cruelty.

Even her warm tears,
now icicles crudely formed,
dangle precariously
from her drifting mind.

The sound of the crackling fire
in the fireplace 
envelops her
as she sleeps to surrender.

© Jeanne I. Lakatos 

08 October, 2024

A Humble Creation


Photo from Google Images

A Humble Creation

With every minute
the Mighty Sculpture
molds and shapes me 
into that which will
become the fulfillment 
of my dreams ~
His promise,
and I can feel
the special pliancy
of His wondrous hands
as He blends
the Sorrow and the Pain
into the sculpted Reality of 
Love and Joy 
in my life. 
I am a humble creation 
of the Almighty Artist. 

© Jeanne I. Lakatos