I took the photograph whilst driving south of Dublin, lost and 'blind' to the correct pathway to a professional conference at I.A.D.T. in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland. Thanks to a few kind gentlemen at Dunphey's Pub and their fine directions with a hand-drawn map, I was able to make it to the afternoon panel presentations. Having learned my lesson, the following day, I took the bus and presented my own paper on time.
(I captured this church in the sunlight near Dun Laoghaire, Ireland.)
Memory Sustained
A blinding moves her
to close the blind,
now shielded
from the brilliance
The hour of dusk
with a creative verve
releasing the gold
Shards of light
simply cannot blind,
for Memory sustains
the weakest eye.
© Jeanne I. Lakatos
To hear me recite this vers, please click HERE.